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Premium access to exclusive stories & multi-discipline training content



Get Annual plan for $260 & enjoy all the benefits included in the monthly plan PLUS SAVE $41.00

Unlimited access

With a membership to Malibra, you’ll gain access to training videos from multiple disciplines all in one place. You’ll learn the stories of top athletes and champions and be coached by them.




One of our main goals at Malibra is to support fighters in their career and journey. This is why a portion of all profits goes directly to the fighters and the production of their content. 


  • What is Malibra?

    Malibra is an online streaming platform featuring a wide variety of martial arts, combat sports, and fitness training videos all taught by world-class, professional athletes. With a Malibra subscription you’ll have access to a variety of content for a low monthly price.

  • How much does Malibra cost?

    You can watch Malibra from your smartphone, tablet, desktop computer or stream directly AppleTV for $24.99 per month. No contracts, no hidden fees. Cancel anytime.

  • How do I cancel?

    You can easily cancel your subscription at anytime with zero cancellation fees.

  • What can I watch on Malibra?

    Malibra offers a library of original content from world-class athletes who’ve competed in global organizations, such as UFC, Olympics, Bellator, PFL, Invicta, and more. The platform houses training videos from a variety of martial arts & combat sports disciplines as well as fitness exercises, and short-form documentaries and bios about the fighters. 

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